Law Preview reviews

Our alums explain how Law Preview has helped thousands of incoming 1Ls become top law students

Our students thrive

Since 1998, BARBRI Law Preview has been helping students find success in law schools across the country. Consistently, they attribute their law school success to Law Preview and the important difference it made for them during their first year and beyond.

"Law Preview provided me with the proper guidance to navigate my first semester. I never fell behind in the readings, writing assignments, or outlining. The schedule that was provided ensured me built-in study time that had a great impact on my study habits and final exam studying."
Alejandra A., New England School of Law, Class of 2024
"I felt more confident starting in the fall and had a better understanding of the material as I progressed through the year. [Ranked top 10% after 1L year]."
Anonymous, American University, Washington College of Law, Class of 2013
"As the first in my family to attend law school and having grown up with no exposure to the legal world, Law Preview provided the perfect introduction into the start of my legal studies. The combination of classes, workshops, and materials equipped me with the knowledge and proper mindset I needed to begin my first year of law school with confidence and ease. I was able to begin the semester feeling reassured and familiar with the structure and pace. I truly owe the success of my first semester to the headstart this program gave me, and I cannot recommend Law Preview enough for any student about to begin their 1L year! [3.91 GPA and ranked #2 after the first semester]."
Anonymous, University of Houston Law Center, Class of 2023
"Without Law Preview, I would have had no clue what to expect from my first semester. Instead, I felt a step ahead of all the other students. I had a plan of action to attack all the work, and I knew what the professors were looking for in classes. The price paid for Law Preview paid off. I ended up in the top ten percent of my class after the first semester with A’s in three out of my five classes."
Anonymous, University of Kansas School of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview gave me the background of legal education that I didn’t learn right away at law school. It gave me a head start and made me feel confident in knowing what to expect by showing me the big picture of legal education. I probably would have felt very lost my first few weeks at school if it weren’t for my experience at Law Preview."
Katie P., University of St. Thomas School of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview gave me a strategy to attack a semester that was very different from anything I had previously been exposed to. I found myself repeatedly going back to Law Preview study tactic notes, using the Barbri 1L Mastery videos, and practicing essays to review key strategies and prepare. If you follow the calendar and recommendations from this course, you will succeed."
Anonymous, New York University School of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview helped prepare me for what was a vastly different workload from undergraduate studies. During my week at Law Preview, I made the mistakes I would have made during my first semester. I was better prepared for the difficult questions, study aides, and workload than my classmates. I found myself comfortable with the law school rhythm, I knew how to make outlines before many of my classmates realized how crucial they would be. Because I was comfortable with the grading system, the class structure, the importance of my first semester grades, I focused immediately on my classes without fear, hesitation or trepidation. Law Preview is not the answer to an ‘A’ in a particular class, but a set of tools which teach students what law school (grades, competition, workload, exams, stress, Socratic Method, etc.) is like. Throughout the semester, I knew what was expected of me and what I could expect to experience in the traditional classes, on the exam, and in the legal research & writing course."
Anastacia G., Dickinson School of Law, (formerly Pennsylvania State University, The Dickinson School of Law), Class of 2013
"Law Preview gave me a sense of comfort when going into my first semester of law school. I knew what to expect, I knew how to brief a case, and I knew how to succeed. The studying advice and timetable information helped me prepare for finals and gauge my own progress. I would recommend Law Preview to any incoming 1L. [3.91 GPA after first semester]."
Anonymous, University of Houston Law Center, Class of 2023
"As someone who had been out of school for over 4 years before starting law school, Law Preview was a great mental exercise to get me back into the swing of being a student. More importantly, it gave me a sneak peak on what my 1L readings would look like, and gave me early practice of case-briefing. In addition, I didn’t have any family members who attended law school, and not too many friends either; Barbri resources helped answer questions that I had about 1L, or gave me the footing to figure out which questions to ask in the first place. [3.65 GPA after first semester]"
Anonymous, Boston College Law School, Class of 2023
"I am confident that attending Law Preview set my up to succeed academically in my first semester at The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law. I was apprehensive of law school, and fearful of how I would stack up on the curve. Law Preview gave me the confidence and skills to apply in order to succeed academically. I would 100% take Law Preview again, and definitely recommend it to anybody about to start law school!"
Sara S., Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, Class of 2021
"I felt as best prepared as I possibly could have been for my first year. I knew what I needed to do to be successful and feel proud of my performance and efforts. It was helpful starting law school with an idea of how to read cases and knowing I needed to outline my courses well before exams. My school does not have rankings, but I know I am towards the top of my class."
Anonymous, CCity University of New York (CUNY) School of Law, Class of 2013
"Law Preview taught me to engage the law in the text, rather than just sorting through it to find answers for the Socratic method. Overall I enjoyed and benefited from your program–all of the advice was spot on."
Anonymous, University of Cincinnati College of Law, Class of 2012
"I felt more comfortable speaking up in class, and more confident in some of the harder issues in classes. For example, the Rule Against Perpetuities in Property – since I already had been over it with Law Preview, I felt a lot more confident about answering problems in class."
Amanda J., Drexel University College of Law, Class of 2011
"My Law Preview experienced allowed me to in general be ahead of everyone else in school. I was able to brief cases and outline a lot sooner than most of my classmates which left me a lot of time during finals to concentrate on studying instead of creating study aids, such as outlines. I also learned how to write an exam from law preview, so I was able to feel confident taking practice exams and my actual exams knowing that I wrote an exam the way my law school professors wanted me to."
Gabriela S., Loyola University Chicago School of Law, Class of 2013
"Law Preview helped me understand the big picture of what I was studying in class. As a first-get student, it was challenging to understand the method in which law school content is taught and having Law Preview available was extremely helpful in helping me digest and understand the important concepts."
Marlenee B., University of California, Berkeley, School of Law, Class of 2023
"I felt comfortable with the course material and had a good idea about what the semester workload would look like thanks to the Barbri Law Preview."
Christina O., University of Texas Law School, Class of 2022
"Great experience with Law Preview. Support material (online videos) after the course and continual study tips helped reinforce the material taught in the classroom. Highly recommend. Felt prepared for class discussions and received A-s in the two courses that were introduced in-depth at Law Preview."
Anonymous, University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law
"I felt more prepared walking into my first day of law school knowing I had spent a week being introduced to the conditions and demands of law school. Law school was not as overwhelming as I believe it would have been, if not for Law Preview."
Ashliegh F., Texas Southern University Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Class of 2022
"The instructors at the Law Preview program were right-on with their recommendations for test taking and studying. Putting to use their techniques helped me to keep on track and schedule throughout the year and when studying for finals. If nothing else, the Law Preview course gives you an accurate preview of what to expect during your first year in law school, which by itself is worth the cost of attending the program."
Kevin H., Chapman University School of Law, Class of 2011
"I attended Law Preview at the University of Pennsylvania Law School last summer. At the end of my first year I am ranked 3rd in my class, a member of both the Law Review and Moot Court team, have a summer job for a federal judge, and a job this fall for my legal writing teacher as a student instructor. Law Preview did an excellent job of providing me with all the tools I needed to survive — and excel — in my first year. They helped provide a ground basis for all my core classes, taught me how to take a law school exam and most importantly helped me develop a study schedule that allowed me to study efficiently, without having to pull one all-nighter. I would highly recommend Law Preview to anyone because the information they provide cannot be found anywhere else and it will help prepare you so you can actually enjoy your first year of law school."
Anonymous, Cleveland State University, Cleveland Marshall College of Law, Class of 2012
"Law preview gave a nice introduction to the rigors of law school. Students can ease their anxiety by gaining a clearer picture of what will be required of them on a daily basis."
Anonymous, University of Michigan Law School, Class of 2012
"I do not think I will ever be able to know how much Law Preview has helped me. It was by far the best investment I could have ever asked for. I would recommend it to anyone that is going to law school. I continue to step back and think, wow, I wonder where I would be without that class. It was just very eye opening and helpful in my first semester. I enjoyed the non-scary professors as a mini-icebreaker to the class. I also found all the tips very helpful. I may not remember all the terms that we discussed or went over, but I am familiar with the topics and this helps tremendously to get my arms around each class. Thanks again"
Lauren H., Nova Southeastern UniversityShepard Broad Law Center, Class of 2011
"As a first-generation law student, I had no idea what to expect from law school. I knew about cold calling and I knew vaguely that classes would be competitive. However, I did not know what exams were like, what day-to-day classes and studying would look like, how I should structure my semester, what classes would be taught, or what mattered for my resume (i.e. Journal). Law Preview taught me everything I needed and more to feel comfortable starting law school and not like a fish out of water. Had I not taken Law Preview, I would have felt incredibly uncomfortable starting school, hearing others talk about briefing cases and outlines for classes and Law Review. It was all a foreign language to me, before. At the end of my 1L year I earned Dean’s List Honors and was invited to serve on the Law Review. The biggest asset you can have going into 1L year is confidence and a sense of comfort. Law Preview gave me exactly that."
Summer Z., Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law, Class of 2022
"Entering law school, I had been out of school for nine years. Law Preview eased me back into the classroom and gave me the tools necessary for success during my first semester of law school. The test-taking skills I learned during Law Preview were critical to me receiving the CALI award in Torts for my section. Thank you, Law Preview staff, for giving me the confidence and tools necessary to succeed during such a stressful time. I am especially thankful as a first-generation law student, woman of color, and mother. [3.99 GPA after the first semester]."
Anonymous, Howard University School of Law, Class of 2024
"I thank Law Preview for setting me up for success! It gave me the perfect preview for what my schedule would be, in terms of reading, briefing, etc. for the semester and prepared me to my best! I went in knowing how to brief which was my greatest asset! I ranked number 7 out of my class of 271 with a 3.93 GPA and made Dean’s List. None of that would have been possible without my week of Law Preview!"
Anonymous, UIC John Marshall Law School, Chicago, 2022
"Law Preview definitely helped me in my first semester of 1L because before classes even started, I had a schedule set out to keep me on track and know when to read/brief for my classes and when to start outlining. Even though I was still very nervous, having my 1L checklist from BARBRI and the 12 steps to Academic Success handout kept me focused on my end goal to do well my first semester, which I did."
Anonymous, University of Maryland School of Law, Class of 2024
"Law Preview was so helpful as I️ navigated my first year of law school, especially when it came time to prepare for finals. The videos and instructors synthesized complex doctrine and made the course material much more clear. I️ would recommend Law Preview and the BarBri 1L Mastery Courses to everyone!"
Anonymous, Yale Law School, Class of 2024
"Law Preview provided me with the tools needed for a successful 1L experience beginning with the live stream course followed by helpful advice throughout the semester."
Letrecia N., University of Georgia School of Law, Class of 2022
"I went into law school prepared and felt ahead of the curve when it came to jumping into the swing of 1L. I felt comfortable while everyone was still learning how to balance the readings and learn to brief. Without Law Preview I don’t believe I could have achieved my 4.0 GPA."
Anonymous, University of Florida Fredric G. Levin College of Law, Class of 2022
"Dear Don, I hope you are doing well. I wanted to thank you so much for all of your guidance and encouragement last semester. I am proud to report that I received 4 Hs and will be working as a 1L summer associate at [an AmLaw Top 5 firm] in New York this summer. I am so grateful to you and Barbri for helping me achieve these goals!"
Anonymous, Havard Law School, Class of 2024