Law Preview reviews

Our alums explain how Law Preview has helped thousands of incoming 1Ls become top law students

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Since 1998, BARBRI Law Preview has been helping students find success in law schools across the country. Consistently, they attribute their law school success to Law Preview and the important difference it made for them during their first year and beyond.

"The most beneficial part of Law Preview is that it prepared me by telling me what to expect and providing a great schedule. By sticking to the schedule, I never fell behind or felt completely overwhelmed. Because I briefed every case for all my classes I was always prepared. Law Preview’s advice about starting outlines early was probably the best advice because I was done with them by Thanksgiving when other students were just starting or way behind. That way, I had plenty of time to study my outlines before finals, which is probably why I did very well my first semester."
Anonymous, DePaul University College of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview gave me critical early exposure to law school concepts and exam strategies that gave me an edge in my first semester of law school."
Reagan L, University of Houston Law Center, Class of 2021
"Law Preview helped a lot. Wish I would have taken it even more seriously [3.77 GPA after the first semester]."
Anonymous, Washington University School of Law (St. Louis), Class of 2023
"I went into my 1L year with my eyes wide open. I knew, like most students, that I needed to work really hard. However, I also knew how to read through a case book, how to prepare for class and how to pick out the most important stuff for my outline. I believe this helped me to use my study time effectively and this preparation paid big dividends. I ended up in the Top 5% of my 1L class and was invited onto the Houston Journal of International Law."
Jessie M., University of Houston Law Center, Class of 2022
"The [Law Preview] program allowed me to start law school with a game plan. It helped me to set a weekly schedule, stay disciplined and gain a leg up on my fellow students. I had been out of school for a while before going back to law school, and the Law Preview helped me refresh old, and gain new study skills. We are not ranked after our first semester, but I ended with a 3.81 GPA."
Nicole G., University of Miami School of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview really helped be grasp the overarching concepts of the doctrinal classes. I felt much more confidant and comfortable going into my first semester."
Emily A., UIC John Marshall Law School, Class of 2023
"Law Preview gave me a head start on the competition [ranked #4 out of 85 students]."
Anonymous, Michigan State University Detroit College of Law, Class of 2011
"The course greatly exceeded my expectations! It provided in-depth exposure to every aspect of being a top law student as well as a general overview of each 1L course with access to office hours with the professors where we explored more nuanced topics. The course enabled me to develop valuable skills such as reading cases, drafting case briefs, forming outlines, and we even took a practice exam. The program also connected me with a support network within the Law Preview program and granted me free access to core study aids by Wolters Kluwer and Barbri that were of enormous use for my Contacts and Property courses. As a first generation college student and legal professional, this was instrumental in offsetting the additional challenges introduced through a fully remote first semester of law school and in allowing me to shine in my classes."
Jessica D., University of California, Los Angeles, School of Law, Class of 2023
"Using the tools provided by the Law Preview course, I was able to attain a ranking in the top 25 students of my 145 student class. With the first semester under my belt, I hope to use what this summer course provided me with a more efficient way to climb to rank among the top 10 students in my class."
Jack H., University of Richmond School of Law, Class of 2022
"Law school is a lot about expectations. Many people enter law school thinking that this is undergrad part two, but it is much more than that. Law Preview helped me to understand the type of time and effort commitment that law school would require of me. My last semester in undergrad, I took one class on Monday nights and basically just hung out the rest of the time. Law Preview was a fantastic eye-opener to the reality that awaited me in law school and no doubt my success was greatly predicated on the preparation and advice Law Preview provided."
Conrad S., SMU Dedman School of Law, Class of 2013
"I can’t tell you how much I appreciated Law Preview. I was only accepted to Albany off the waitlist in early June 2009, and I wasn’t feeling too great about my prospects for success. Now, after having completed my 1L year, I’m proud to report that I ranked #19 out of 250 students. Beyond preparing me for the substantive classes, LP helped me gain confidence and avoid the potholes that challenge every 1L no matter where they go to school. I definitely feel that Law Preview also gave me a leg up on my classmates in a number of ways — whether it was briefing cases or putting together an effective study schedule — Law Preview removed a lot of the trial and error and I entered my first year with a plan of attack and that was without question a major factor in my success."
Joseph B., Albany Law School of Union University, Class of 2012 (transferred to George Washington University Law School)
"It helped me learn how to approach and brief cases for their maximum educational value, while building confidence in my abilities to be a successful law student."
Erin F., Case Western Reserve University School of Law, Class of 2011
"Good overview of course topics, however Law Preview most importantly provided a great intro. to the homework and readings that you will face. It was friendly introduction to the Socratic method, and a great confidence boost going into the semester."
Jascha C., New York University School of Law, Class of 2012
"Very helpful and gave me a much needed head start"
Anonymous, Syracuse University College of Law, Class of 2021
"At the end of my 1L year I was ranked in the Top 1% of my class and was invited to serve on the Florida Law Review. I attribute my success wholly to Law Preview. It gave me the tools to succeed from the very beginning while others were still focusing on getting their feet on the ground. I truly felt like I knew what I was doing throughout the whole year."
Caitlin O., University of Florida Fredric G. Levin College of Law, Class of 2022
"My experience with Law Preivew was instrumental in the achievements of my first semester. Without the study skills and insight it gave me I would not have received the only A+ in my Criminal Law class. I highly recommend taking this course it was very helpful in preparing me for law school."
Beth P., William & Mary Law School, Class of 2021
"Law Preview played a large part in my success during my first year. The program benefited me in several ways. It provided an accurate experience of what law school classes are like. For me, this was extremely helpful. My background is in science and I had been out of school for seven years before going back to law school. I was also unsure about how good of a fit law school would be for me, so Law Preview was a way for me try it out before quitting my job and taking on student loan debt. Law school is a stressful experience, and any way you can find to reduce that stress gives you an advantage. Some people in my class were overwhelmed and felt lost after the first week of school because they didn’t know how to read or brief cases. The reading assignments and case briefs I did for Law Preview helped me hit the ground running when school started and gave me an advantage over a lot of my classmates. Most importantly, it gave me confidence that law school was a good fit for me, which helped me fully commit to it. One of the keys to success in law school is finding a work schedule that allows you to complete your assigned readings and start preparing early for finals. The most beneficial part of Law Preview for me was that it provided a proven schedule for managing the heavy workload. I would have been lost without this schedule. It helped me stay on track throughout the semester and gave me an idea of when I needed to start my outlines for each class. Some people in my class waited until November or later to start their outlines. You can’t do that in law school. There is just too much information to process. Closely following the schedule Law Preview provided gave me significantly more time to prepare for finals than many of my classmates. This advantage was crucial in helping me excel in my classes. The post-program support provided by Law Preview also helped me to stay on track. Throughout the first semester, Don sent emails reminding alumni where we should be in terms of preparation and provided tips for succeeding on law school exams. Again, law school is all about finding ways to gain an advantage and these tips definitely helped. The thing that impressed me most, though, was that Don made himself available to alumni by email or phone after the program ended. During the first semester, I emailed Don about 6 weeks before finals starting to make sure I wasn’t too far behind on my preparation. He suggested we schedule a time to talk on the phone and we ended up speaking for 20 minutes about where I was and what I needed to do. He also convinced me to use the Law-in-a-Flash flashcards to prepare for my exams. I was concerned about the cost, but he assured me they were worthwhile. He was right. They were great and helped me excel at spotting issues on my exams. This type of individual feedback and support that Don provided is simply not available in law school. Having access to it gave me a definite advantage in preparing for finals. . . . Law school is expensive and you might be concerned about adding to that cost by signing up for Law Preview. I completely understand and had the same concerns. Ultimately, I chose to look at Law Preview as an investment, and it has really paid off for me. My law school doesn’t post individual class rankings, but I finished significantly above the class average first semester and did even better second semester. I owe a lot of my success to the preparation and support I received from Law Preview. For most people, attending law school is a $100k-180k investment. You wouldn’t invest that much money in the stock market without doing research and preparation to increase your odds of success. Law Preview is a proven way to increase your of odds of achieving a significant return on your investment in law school by earning high grades during your crucial 1L year. Given the current legal job market, you need to give yourself every advantage you can."
Anonymous, Notre Dame Law School, Class of 2011
"Law Preview gave me an edge my first semester of law school that I would not have had otherwise."
Michael R., Villanova University School of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview helped introduce me to the subjects that I later encountered during my 1L Fall. The transition to law school was much easier because I had that early exposure to the material."
Anonymous, Yale Law School, Class of 2022
"It certainly worked well for my GPA! [3.72 GPA after the first semester]"
Anonymous, American University, Washington College of Law, 2023
"Law Preview provided the tools so that I felt prepared on day one. I used the case briefing techniques on a daily basis."
Anonymous, Harvard Law School, Class of 2013
"The best thing I got out of Law Preview was the practical advice. Part of being successful in any situation is strategy – learning how to maneuver within the circumstances. Law Preview was a great strategy resource. Law School is a foreign world, and knowing what to expect before you ever get there is a huge asset. Most people are totally baffled and have no idea what to do, but I felt a little more confident and had a game plan when I went in. I also really appreciated having some idea of how to approach my exams during the first semester. I got A’s in all my substantive classes, including the high grade in Contracts that was 15% above the second highest score. Thanks for everything! [Ranked #5 out of 266 after first semester]."
Anonymous, University of Houston Law Center, Class of 2013
"Law Preview really helped ease the transition into law school. Less confusion. I felt like a 2L compared to several of my fellow students."
Francis M., Boston College Law School, Class of 2013
"Law Preview really made me aware of how much time is required to prepare for classes and successfully perform. Law Preview also stressed the importance of beginning outlines early, and the schedule provided was also a very beneficial guide. [Ranked 50 out of 300]."
Anonymous, University of Florida Fredric G. Levin College of Law, Class of 2012
"Law Preview set the stage for my success at Columbia. I don’t have any lawyers in my family and none of my close friends went to law school, so I didn’t have any guidance before I started. Law Preview gave me practical advice that I could trust on the basics, like how to brief a case, what a supplementary companion is, and when to outline. I still use the templates and timelines provided for all of my law school classes. The course put me in the right mindset going into law school and provided me with the foundational knowledge on how to do well that I would not otherwise have had. [4.0 GPA after the first semester]."
Anonymous, Columbia Law School, Class of 2024
"As someone who had been out of school for a while, Law Preview really set me up for success in fall of 1L. Having already been introduced to many of the topics we would discuss, I found it was much easier to understand and retain the material as it was introduced. The test taking and time management strategies also helped me minimize the exam stress at the end of the semester that plagued my classmates while still making it on the honor roll!"
Anonymous, Notre Dame Law School, Class of 2023
"Law Preview helped me feel more confident beginning law school, making the transition much smoother [ranked #20 out of 200 after first semester]!"
Anonymous, University of Southern California Law School, Class of 2011
"It was so useful, even though the learning curve was still steep during the first semester I knew where it was going and what my goals should be. I gave it 200% and I was proud of my first semester grades and I look forward to doing even better this semester!"
Jeannine C., Pace University School of Law, Class of 2012
"I entirely credit Law Preview with my success this semester. I came into the week-long class with no idea of what law school really was and more importantly for my GPA, what law professors really wanted. Law Preview gave me a road map of how to succeed. I closely followed their advice and have two A’s and an A- to show for it. Next semester, I plan to continue my regimen from the fall while also signing up for the online exam review through Law Preview. I really can’t say enough good things about this program and I’ve been encouraging all my law school bound friends to sign up."
Emily W., Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law Yeshiva University, Class of 2013
"The overview from Law Preview really helped me to get acquainted to law school quickly and start off strong. The sample schedule and pre-work gave me the confidence I needed. Because of my grades, I was able to land a summer associate position before school even started back up in the spring. I didn’t have to wait for the help of my school for a job and now I can relax going into the semester knowing I have a position secured."
Natalie W., Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law, Class of 2023