Law Preview reviews

Our alums explain how Law Preview has helped thousands of incoming 1Ls become top law students

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Since 1998, BARBRI Law Preview has been helping students find success in law schools across the country. Consistently, they attribute their law school success to Law Preview and the important difference it made for them during their first year and beyond.

"It helped me feel more confident and prepared in starting that that feeling helped me stay a step ahead throughout. After Thanksgiving my peers were freaking out and I kept with my plan of slow and steady. I was really pleased with my performance the first semester. After first semester, I know a few things that I will be changing for the second semester. However, a large percentage of the successful skills I employed first semester, I learned at Law Preview."
Elizabeth P., University of Texas School of Law, Class of 2013
"Law Preview helped me make a very intimidating experience a little less daunting. Throughout the semester, I recognized many concepts and cases that were studied in the program. My understanding of, and ability to think about, legal issues were dramatically enhanced by the background I acquired through Law Preview. I am thankful for how the program helped me feel more confident going into my first semester of law school."
Eduardo K., Syracuse University College of Law, Class of 2024
"Law Preview gave me my first insights as to how my life would be as a law student. Because I was guided on the amount of studying and work I needed to execute, I could first focus on orientation. I felt prepared for taking tests and my study schedule was set before classes even started, so the only real worry I had was studying my course curriculum. I felt at ease entering law school and throughout my first semester. I finished my 1L year with a 3.66 GPA and a spot on the Hofstra Law Review and Moot Court Board."
Rebecca H., Hofstra University School of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview was an incredible resource that provided me with a real introduction to what law school would be like and what would be covered. I had a better understanding of the material because Law Preview provided a solid foundation for it and as a result, I finished my first semester of law school with excellent grades."
Rosa C., City University of New York (CUNY) School of Law, Class of 2023
"Law Preview was very helpful. I heavily relied on Don’s advice concerning my study schedule, not sweating over a summer internship, and also exam tactics. It was also helpful having the overview of courses. Law Preview gave me an idea of what to expect and confidence . . . I think it was a perfect program. I was skeptical about spending $1,000 on it, but it turned out to be worth every penny."
Stephen W., New York Law School, Class of 2011
"Having come from an atypical background for a law student, I had very little idea what to expect from law school, other than its general difficulty. Law Preview gave me solid expectations and the tools (especially the calendar) to maintain a high level of focus, productivity, and time management that allowed me to succeed. I have no doubt Law Preview led to my high GPA and my placement in what is historically the 10% of the class during an incredibly competitive year. I would (and have) recommended Law Preview to any prospective law student."
Sam N., Boston University School of Law, Class of 2024
"Although class ranks haven’t posted yet, I was so happy with my Fall semester grades. I felt like Law Preview helped set a sturdy foundation before entering into these classes and I can’t imagine I would have done so well on exams without the practice over the summer. I recommend this course to EVERY incoming law student. You will set your self apart and feel more comfortable from day one."
Lindsay P., Syracuse University College of Law, Class of 2023
"Law Preview was a great decision for me. I have been out of school for a few years and needed a jump start. The comprehensive program gave me the framework to start classes confident and prepared [ranked #1 out of 140]."
Anonymous, Western State University College of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview really gave me a head start on the subject matter as well as some helpful advice on how to navigate law school. Being not only a first-generation law student, but also a first-generation college student, I have often had to figure out higher education on my own. Having the Law Preview experience before beginning my first semester gave me peace of mind and showed me what to look out for in my 1L year and what things I needed to prioritize. This definitely got me off on the right foot and led me to achieve a 4.0 GPA my first semester."
Jared G., American University, Washington College of Law. 2019
"It gave me the confidence to approach each class with an open mind and a solid foundation to start with."
Darryl B., New York Law School, Class of 2022
"The Law Preview course was a very important factor in the success I achieved in my 1L year. Coming from a family with no lawyers or anyone who has attended law school, I felt very nervous about what law school would be like. Law Preview made me feel comfortable and confident going into my 1L year allowing me to be less stressed and overwhelmed and instead focus on doing well! I am proud to report that at the end of my 1L year I was invited to join the NYU Law Review."
Camila I., New York University School of Law, Class of 2022
"Using the tools provided by the Law Preview course, I was able to attain a ranking in the top 25 students of my 145 student class. With the first semester under my belt, I hope to use what this summer course provided me with a more efficient way to climb to rank among the top 10 students in my class."
Jack H., University of Richmond School of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview really helped me to find grounding and my bearings before starting law school. My first semester was far more challenging than anything else I have ever done, so knowing what was coming helped me greatly, and having earned a 4.0 has already set up up with great opportunities and a lot less stress! Thank you, Law Preview!"
Anonymous, Northwestern University School of Law, Class of 2021
"Dear Don, I hope you are doing well. I wanted to thank you so much for all of your guidance and encouragement last semester. I am proud to report that I received 4 Hs and will be working as a 1L summer associate at [an AmLaw Top 5 firm] in New York this summer. I am so grateful to you and Barbri for helping me achieve these goals!"
Anonymous, Havard Law School, Class of 2024
"I followed the Law Preview plan exactly: briefed every single case, did all reading on schedule, reviewed with flashcards, made my own outlines… and there were no surprises. I was prepared for everything. The biggest plus is that Law Preview helped me start ahead of the pack. Taking the course the summer before school really prepared me mentally as well, so I understood the challenges I was facing but also had the confidence in the skill set I’d developed over the summer to get the job done and stay focused on my goals. The schedule Law Preview provided helped me stay on track, and I also appreciated that Law Preview didn’t leave me hanging during the semester. They promptly responded to every question I emailed, and I there’s nothing better than candid advice. Now I’m in the top 2% of my class, and I have confidence that I can continue to excel. . . . Thanks so much and I’m making sure my younger brother (who will start law school Fall ’09) will be registering for your course soon as well! Now it’s just doing it all over again second semester, but I know I have the skills to repeat the process thanks to Law Preview!"
Anonymous, University of Houston Law Center, Class of 2011
"My experience with Law Preivew was instrumental in the achievements of my first semester. Without the study skills and insight it gave me I would not have received the only A+ in my Criminal Law class. I highly recommend taking this course it was very helpful in preparing me for law school."
Beth P., William & Mary Law School, Class of 2021
"I felt prepared from day one to do what I had to do. The plan was before me: my only difficulty was in sticking to it. [Ranked 1 out of 226]."
Anonymous, University of Illinois College of Law, Class of 2012
"Law Preview took away the learning curve of the first few weeks of law school. When other classmates were struggling to adjust to learning via cases and figuring out what details in a case were important to the class itself, I had already gained these skills through my week of Law Preview. Law school doesn’t teach you how to learn the material, but Law Preview did."
Lewis S., Drexel University School of Law, 2021
"At the end of my 1L year I was ranked in the Top 1% of my class and was invited to serve on the Florida Law Review. I attribute my success wholly to Law Preview. It gave me the tools to succeed from the very beginning while others were still focusing on getting their feet on the ground. I truly felt like I knew what I was doing throughout the whole year."
Caitlin O., University of Florida Fredric G. Levin College of Law, Class of 2022
"Don, I just wanted to thank you for starting the Law Preview course. I truly feel confident going into my first year at Georgetown Law. The advice and encouragement you gave me has relieved much of the anxiety and mystique around the law school process. No matter how my grades turn out, I at least know that I am mentally ready for the challenge. The overview Law Preview provides is second to none and I can’t wait to give you an update in the years to come! Please feel free to give my name to any potential students of Law Preview. THANKS AGAIN!"
Jeb W., Georgetown University Law Center, Class of 2004
"Law Preview provided the tools so that I felt prepared on day one. I used the case briefing techniques on a daily basis."
Anonymous, Harvard Law School, Class of 2013
"As a recipient of a scholarship to attend Law Preview, I was so grateful to have this resource available to me before starting law school. Once I started classes, it was so great to recognize a case that had already been explained to me, and to be able to see the big picture from day one. Attending Law Preview also helped me to demystify so many of the new terms that come with starting law school, from “briefs” to “write-ons” and more. It made me feel more confident starting off, and allowed me to focus on the right parts of each daily class and each course as a whole. [3.7 GPA after first semester]."
Anonymous, University of Southern California School of Law, Class of 2023
"The study schedule set out was exactly what I needed, and something nobody else was doing. By finishing the reading early, I was able to better prepare my outlines well in advance of exams. Knowing how to brief on day one put me on the fast track to the top of my class. I am the recipient of the Highest Grade distinction in Law Skills, and received A, A, B+, B+."
Madelaine K., University of Richmond School of Law, Class of 2011
"I honestly believe that without Law Preview, I would not have finished my 1L year in the Top 6% of my class. I was able to hit the ground running while most of my classmates were just trying to not be overwhelmed. The head start Law Preview provides allowed me to earn the highest grade in two classes and a spot on my school’s Law Review."
Caleb T., New England School of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview helped me have a plan before the semester started, and it paid off! I got a 4.0 and really enjoyed all my classes."
Anonymous, Boston University School of Law, Class of 2024
"Law preview was great in preparing me for the intensity that’s was the first semester of law school."
Dorothy C., Fordham University School of Law, Class of 2021
"Law Preview was super helpful for me in getting a sense of large doctrinal concepts that will be covered in law school. It provided a great launchpad for me and I ended up scoring in the top 15% of my section after my 1L fall."
Anonymous, Georgetown University Law Center, 2022
"Law Preview prepared me for what was coming and gave me good strategies for success."
Gabriel M., Charleston School of Law, Class of 2024
"Law Preview really helped me prepare for my first year of law school. Going into NYU Law, I was a bit nervous; I had heard about how daunting the first year of law school could be and had no idea what I was getting myself into. Law Preview really exposed me to what to expect during my first year and how best to schedule my time, organize myself, and maintain a calm composure that really helped me not only succeed in my first year of law school but enjoy my time. I think that is perhaps the most important part — beyond succeeding in school — is learning how best to enjoy it. Having been introduced to and somewhat familiar with the first year curriculum and having experienced the amazing faculty that the Law Preview program offers, I really got to enjoy my first year in ways that my peers did not."
Alex, New York University School of Law, Class of 2012
"I felt more prepared than many of my fellow students in the importance of outlining, keeping up with classwork daily, and how to manage my time. I also felt as if the test-taking skills I learned through Law Preview made a substantial impact on my performance on law school tests. While nothing can fully prepare you for the academic rigor and of law school, Law Preview definitely assisted in making my first semester of law school more manageable, less stressful, and gave me the confidence I needed to face the competition amongst my peers and the challenges that law school brought."
Amy D., Liberty University School of Law, Class of 2012