Law Preview reviews

Our alums explain how Law Preview has helped thousands of incoming 1Ls become top law students

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Since 1998, BARBRI Law Preview has been helping students find success in law schools across the country. Consistently, they attribute their law school success to Law Preview and the important difference it made for them during their first year and beyond.

"As someone who had been out of school for a while, Law Preview really set me up for success in fall of 1L. Having already been introduced to many of the topics we would discuss, I found it was much easier to understand and retain the material as it was introduced. The test taking and time management strategies also helped me minimize the exam stress at the end of the semester that plagued my classmates while still making it on the honor roll!"
Anonymous, Notre Dame Law School, Class of 2023
"Law Preview certainly helped to prepare me for my 1L year not only by simulating the rigor of a law school classroom, but by providing tools and guidance throughout my first semester. With the support of LP, I was able to succeed in my first semester and receive a GPA of 3.78 which places me in the top 10% of my class! I am so grateful for this program and all the opportunities it has provided!"
Melissa F., Fordham University School of Law, Class of 2021
"The most important thing about Law Preview, and this was something Don mentioned in passing in one of the videos, is the preliminary exposure to the material. There is no way to learn all of a doctrinal class in one sitting or even one week. But being exposed to the materials before law school allows them to be more easily understood the second, third, and fourth time your professors say it, you read it, or practice it on an exam. This made the biggest difference because I was already able to connect different lessons from my classes before my classmates which made the big picture easy to understand and outlines easy to create. As a result, I got the third-highest grade in my contracts course and ended with an overall GPA well above median at my school. [3.63 GPA after the first semester]."
Anonymous, Duke University School of Law, Class of 2024
"Law Preview gave me an edge my first semester of law school that I would not have had otherwise."
Michael R., Villanova University School of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview gave me a basic understanding of what to expect in each of my classes. Law Preview helped me realize that I was going to have to work hard for my grades, but also helped me realize that if I did I would be at the top of my class. Most importantly Law Preview gave me a heads up on how to prepare for final exams. I felt like I knew what to expect from day one. It was all a matter of keeping on top of everything and practicing like Law Preview taught me."
Ezra K., Texas Tech University School of Law, Class of 2011
"It helped me feel more confident and prepared in starting that that feeling helped me stay a step ahead throughout. After Thanksgiving my peers were freaking out and I kept with my plan of slow and steady. I was really pleased with my performance the first semester. After first semester, I know a few things that I will be changing for the second semester. However, a large percentage of the successful skills I employed first semester, I learned at Law Preview."
Elizabeth P., University of Texas School of Law, Class of 2013
"The suggestions were really helpful about how to spend breaks and prepare for midterms and finals. The calendar was really useful to see how to spend my time. It was a good feeling to know walking in to school that I had seen some of the cases before and knew how to brief a case."
Jessica R., Touro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center, Class of 2011
"Law Preview allowed me to gain an edge over my fellow classmates by familiarizing me with the content most law students cover during their 1L year, and by exposing me to strategies that helped me manage my time appropriately. Additionally, I was able to bypass most of the usual anxiety associated with the first semester of law school because I knew what to expect from both professors and the material I would be faced with. Law Preview has helped me achieve a 3.88 GPA (top 5 ranking) and an invitation to join our school’s Law Review. I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to achieve success in law school. Thanks, Law Preview!"
Anonymous, Stetson University College of Law, Class of 2023
"Law Preview prepared me to excel in my first semester. I have my undergraduate degree in nursing. Nursing school and law school are nothing alike. Had I not completed the Law Preview course I know I would have spent the first 8 to 10 weeks figuring out what was going on and trying to understand what the professors were talking about. Knowing in advance what a case brief was, how to complete one, how to immediately begin outlining each of my classes, and other basics of how material is presented in law school helped me tremendously. I felt much more confident in myself and my grades were definitely higher than what they would have been without Law Preview."
Natalia S., Mitchell Hamline School of Law, Class of 2022
"My school only allows 5% of students in each course to receive an A+, which is about three students for my section. Thanks to Law Preview, I received an A+ in two courses. I was also told my Civil Procedure exam and Torts final paper were best in the class. I’m so grateful to the firm that gave me the scholarship to take the course and would recommend it to any incoming law student."
Sasha B., Northwestern University, Pritzker School of Law, Class of 2024
"Felt much more comfortable about what was going to be coming at me than I would have been otherwise."
Anonymous, New England School of Law, Class of 2022
"I’m writing to thank you for the Law Preview course I took last summer. I was barely admitted into the school via wait list, and I had absolutely no studying skills before I attended Law Preview. Law Preview gave me an outstanding overview which helped me formed my study plans, so I knew exactly what to do, when to do them, and how to do them. What helped me the most was your lecture on the right attitude to go into law school with; I was able to maintain positive the entire semester even though at times it was frustrating and many things seemed to go wrong. Now I have an above 4.0 GPA: 2xA+,2xA, 1xA- after first semester, which puts me at about top 1-2%. Thanks again, couldn’t have done it without you."
Anonymous, South Texas College of Law Houston, Class of 2011
"Law Preview definitely helped me in my first semester of 1L because before classes even started, I had a schedule set out to keep me on track and know when to read/brief for my classes and when to start outlining. Even though I was still very nervous, having my 1L checklist from BARBRI and the 12 steps to Academic Success handout kept me focused on my end goal to do well my first semester, which I did."
Anonymous, University of Maryland School of Law, Class of 2024
"I am so glad I did Law Preview because I was pretty prepared when most of the other first year students were very nervous in the first few weeks of the semester. I also adhered to most of the things that were recommended by Law Preview (I followed the calendar schedule of when to start outlining, reviewing my flashcards, etc). [Ranked 14 out of 217]."
Anonymous, Syracuse University College of Law, Class of 2012
"By the time I got into classes I already knew how to read an analyze cases. I also knew the basic concepts so I was able to get up to speed about the intricacies introduced in class much faster. Other people struggled with the more complicated concepts, but I had already gone over them once in Law Preview and the second time just helped my clarify my understanding. Learning to brief the cases before starting was helpful because I did not need to spend an inordinate amount of time on each case. I knew what I needed to extract from the cases and had a template in which to place the information. Law preview helps you hit the ground running in your first year."
Anonymous, University of California, Hastings College of the Law, Class of 2011
"On the first day of law school classes, I felt completely prepared for the experience. I was already ahead of most of my class in knowing how to brief a case, create an outline, and take lecture notes that would help me prepare for exams. I also had a unique understanding of the subject material in my first-year classes due to the fantastic road map provided by each of my Law Preview professors. I’m currently ranked #1 out of 320 students and I don’t think I would be having nearly the academic success that I’m having today without the solid grounding that Law Preview provided. I can’t say enough good things about my Law Preview experience — it was worth every dime and a whole lot more. It may be the best-kept secret for how to prepare and succeed in law school!"
James C., Seattle University School of Law, Class of 2012
"It definitely gave me a plan of action. I felt like I definitely had an upper hand on how to study, and I knew that I couldn’t cut corners and expect to end up on top. I feel like it was an invaluable part of helping me be successful and landing in the top 10% which was my goal."
Anonymous, University of South Carolina School of Law, Class of 2013
"I believe Law Preview gave me that path and plan to attack 1L Fall."
Patrick D., Emory University School of Law, Class of 2022
"Very helpful and gave me a much needed head start"
Anonymous, Syracuse University College of Law, Class of 2021
"I think it showed me not so much of the mechanical tools (briefing, etc) but more of a nice lay of the land, and some other useful tips to get a head start [ranked #10 out of 256 after first semester]."
Anonymous, Villanova University School of Law, Class of 2011
"It was nice to have some of the fundamental cases under my belt for each class. The rigor of the class also helped prepare me for the workload I faced when I arrived at law school."
Anonymous, William & Mary Law School, Class of 2013
"I felt more comfortable speaking up in class, and more confident in some of the harder issues in classes. For example, the Rule Against Perpetuities in Property – since I already had been over it with Law Preview, I felt a lot more confident about answering problems in class."
Amanda J., Drexel University College of Law, Class of 2011
"Law Preview helped me make a very intimidating experience a little less daunting. Throughout the semester, I recognized many concepts and cases that were studied in the program. My understanding of, and ability to think about, legal issues were dramatically enhanced by the background I acquired through Law Preview. I am thankful for how the program helped me feel more confident going into my first semester of law school."
Eduardo K., Syracuse University College of Law, Class of 2024
"I felt far more prepared going into 1L knowing what a case brief was and how to prepare for exams. Learning snippets of 1L courses was also helpful as I dove in to my 1L curriculum."
Jordan J., University of Chicago Law School, Class of 2023
"Law Preview really prepared me for the the rigors of my first semester of law school. Not only was I presented with an excellent overview of the main topics covered during my first year, I was also presented with a realistic view of the workload and what it would truly take to be a successful 1L student. Law Preview really reduced the anxiety I had about law school and I feel that the class enabled me to maintain a cool head during the more stressful points in my fall semester. I attribute much of my successful first semester to this class."
Meredith G., Seton Hall University School of Law, Class of 2021
"If I hadn’t taken this course I would have been absolutely railroaded by my classes."
Matt E., Stanford Law School, Class of 2021
"It gave me a more comfortable sense of what law school was going to be like. The lectures on how to prepare and what not to get caught up in and waste time with really kept me focused on the task at hand, which was getting good grades. I was in the top 16% of my class this first semester and at least some of that work has to be attributed from some of the stuff I gained from Law Preview. The exam taking strategies and writing skills helped as well."
Anonymous, St. John’s University School of Law, Class of 2011
"I honestly believe that without Law Preview, I would not have finished my 1L year in the Top 6% of my class. I was able to hit the ground running while most of my classmates were just trying to not be overwhelmed. The head start Law Preview provides allowed me to earn the highest grade in two classes and a spot on my school’s Law Review."
Caleb T., New England School of Law, Class of 2022
"Law Preview definitely gave me a heads up on the outlining and legal research part of my school’s curriculum. I am so glad that I attended the legal research and writing day because it helped to cut down on the workload during the semester as I was already somewhat familiar with the process."
Chelsea W., University of Virginia School of Law, Class of 2013
"Law preview provided me with the right mindset to approach day one of law school. I had an attack plan and knew what pitfalls to avoid because of the Law Preview course! [4.05 GPA after the first semester]."
Anonymous, University of Caliornia Hastings College of the Law, Class of 2023